BG Copywriting
Hello!! My name is Ben Goodwin :)
So you are wanting to find easy ways to leverage your business huh?
Lazy piece of shi
You have come to the right place my friend!
Allow me to introduce you to the mind blowing magic of....
Yup, this is the stuff trust me.
Good quality email marketing will change your business forever.
Don't believe me? All I can say to that is enjoy your crappy life without it you daft sod.
Sh*t... I need to be encouraging you to stay.... errr, well this is awkward now.
'cough'... please feel free to... erm... read on? Thanks again for supporting my website. Email is king aha.
(facepalm)Read on I beg
Why email marketing?!?!
Forget instagram, facebook and all that garbage. Email has 4.258 BILLION active users this very moment!
Instagram pales in comparison with a meagre 2.4 BILLION active users.... rooky numbers.
99% of consumers check their emails EVERY SINGLE DAY and it is by far the preferred way of receiving business updates. So yeah.... enough said. Well not quite enough yet. Allow me to continue.
To be fair both email and social media are needed because, truth be told, social media is actually better at building brand awareness and reaching new audiences.
ANDDDDD you can build your email list through social media so that is somewhat helpful.
(pulling hair out) Sorry, I have gone very off topic talking about the inferior platforms.
So what exactly are the astonishing benefits of email marketing that gives it an insurmountable advantage over other platforms?? This is the real sauce right here...
Rate on investment
Email marketing is known for it's super high ROI. For every pound you invest what do you get in return?? £38.33!! Statistica's words not mine. Social media is slacking in this department....
Personalised communication
Customising your email campaigns allows you to create content that is targeted and personal for the audience. You will end up becoming a brand that resonates with your audience deeply. This might help increase the number of leads you gather.
Spoiler: It definitely will ;)
Builds credibility
Now, customers do not want to be forgotten about do they? DO THEY?? Sorry.
But seriously - by setting up regular email campaigns they will start warming to you. Build that foundation of trust or else your business will crumble to the grounds and become nothing but a relic of the past....
Okay I dramatised that a tad by you get my point.
To put it professionally and succinctly... there is no better option to cost-effectively stay connected with your customers, engage leads and make direct sales than to harness the true potential of email marketing.So now you are probably thinking...'How the hell do I go about formulating emails that create an instant connection with my customers that will make them thirsty for moreeee? Help me please Ben pleaseee.'Well read on you silly sausage, I'm not done yet....
Allow me to introduce myself properly
As previously mentioned, my name is Ben Goodwin.
But what I forgot to mention is that I am an email copywriter (wink wink).
Suprise that isn't it?
Anyway here are a few reasons (can't fit them all on here) as to why you should hire the specimen that I am:1. You will have all the time in the world to focus on the other important aspects of your business. I will be lurking in the shadows, facilitating the relationships you have with your audience and generating leads. All the work is done for you. Not to say I won't be emerging from the dark every now and then to liase with you about the intricacies of your business. I mean I do need as much information as possible to create highly engaging emails for your unique audience. But other than that, you won't have to spend a single second worrying about the email marketing side of your business. The load is on me! Ow... sorry... pre-emptive back pains kicking in. I will cope I promise.2. I prioritise making the emails relatable, fun, engaging and personal. There is nothing more frustrating than receiving spam emails or pushy emails that don't have a hint of amiability. Screw them! Not on my agenda. People will want to open and read my emails because they will find them compelling and interesting. I am that good [insert humility].3. Every email will be unique. Repetition=boredom. My creative juices are alive and well. Every email will be distinctly captivating, keeping the consumers engaged. This will preserve their status as a passionate member of your audience.
No time like the present
Time is money as we all know. Let's get this thing started. Here's to a future filled with wealth, prosperity and major influence!!